Writing Tips and Tricks

Here are some tips that will save you valuable time during the writing process.

Schedule It – Make sure to carve out time each day to write or otherwise work on your book. Don’t passively wait for it to happen and don’t put it at the bottom of your task list. Writing your book is a priority. Identify what you want to accomplish and set aside time to get it done. To help keep yourself accountable, create a writing goal that's fits your schedule. For example, your writing goal could be, "I will write for 2-3 hours every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and conduct book research every Tuesday and Thursday. On the weekends I rest because whew!" You can also set a writing goal by word count, book pages, or by the number of chapters you would like to complete each writing day. However you decide to schedule your writing time is up to you.

Edit Later – Many writers make the mistake of editing as they go. This slows down the writing process and it can interrupt your thought process as well. Instead of editing as you write, finish your daily writing and then go back over it and make edits and changes. Remember, you’re also going to have your book edited by someone else, so you don’t have to worry about catching every error.

Create Systems – Put systems in place to support your book creation process. For example, if you’re going to write for two hours every day, establish systems that support your writing time. Implement an autoresponder to manage phone calls and emails during your writing time. Write in a place where you feel inspired, motivated, and productive. Write when you are most focused and productive.

Have Confidence In Your Knowledge – Fear and doubts are often part of the writing process. Let them go. They have no room in the book-writing process. You know your audience, you know your subject, and you have valuable information to share. If necessary, post an affirmation or positive image above your computer to help you stay confident and motivated.

Be Conversational – There’s no need to take a writing class or to try to be someone you are not. Write like you speak. Conversational content is not only easier and more enjoyable to read, it’s easier to write. Your brand and voice will come through in your writing and your readers will connect with you on a deeper level.

Use Time Nuggets – Time nuggets are those pockets of time during your day that often go to waste. For example, when you’re waiting in line to pick your child up from school or when you’re sitting at the doctor’s office.

  1. These pockets of time can actually be quite productive. Consider carrying a notebook with you or using your smart phone. You can dictate your thoughts or even write a portion of your book using apps like Dragon Dictation, Evernote, Google Drive, and Microsoft Word Mobile App.

Focus on Quality over Quantity – People tend to get caught up on the page count. Your book doesn’t need to be 300 pages long. It NEEDS to be valuable to your reader. Focus on value first, and page count second.

Build A Good Team – You need people to proof and edit your book and to provide feedback. Also, you may want a graphic designer and/or book format-ter to make your book look as professional as possible. Find a good team of contractors and employees before you begin the book creation process. The people you depend on can make the book-writing process much easier.

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